Noosa 2020 – Vote for women!


Our friends have asked us who they should vote for. We thought we’d make it easy: Vote for WOMEN! For decades Noosa voters seemed to think one woman was enough to represent 50% of our population. We beg to differ.

Women as strong leaders

During the recent horrendous bushfire season Sandy Bolton impressed us with her tireless leadership. The Corona Virus crisis brought out the best in Jacinda Ardern (NZ), Angela Merkel (Germany), Erna Solberg (Norway) and Sanna Marin (Finland) addressing their respective nations with open, respectful, truthful and caring information. Compare that to Donald Trump, Boris Johnson or Scott Morrison.

Back home Noosa Council has a dismal track record in gender diversity. Apart from Bettina’s case of bullying by Tony Wellington’s mentor and ex-mayor Noel Playford, we’ve seen Jess Glasgow’s misogyny on national TV, and Frank Pardon being imprisoned for sex offences. To top it off the only female councillor Ingrid Jackson declined nominating for a second term citing hostility, aggression, antagonism and scorn from her male counterparts. 

So let’s stop ‘messing’ around the edges and go for it.

It truly is time for change

Fortunately, seven capable women have put their hands up and for the first time there’s an opportunity to tip the scales! 

In the current campaign we have women of all ‘creeds’ standing for election. So whether you are pro-business or prefer to put the environment above all; whether you vote LNP, belong to the  NPA, or you despise the lot; this time we have a great range of female representatives and with much merit to boot! 

So let’s make history in 2020!

A fresh start with Clare for Mayor…

We trust Clare will learn fast, be fair and value input from the whole community and experts. Clare will rise to the responsibility of leading a fresh new council in what will no doubt be challenging times. We welcome the opportunity to see a different model of leadership in action.

To be honest we are not thrilled that Clare Stewart is an LNP member BUT we believe her heart is in the right place and she has courage and brains. Backed by strong, authentic, independent women she will be brilliant. And we will hold her to account.

And here, in no particular order, are our stellar council candidates (click on their names to learn more about what they stand for):

Karen Finzel

Feminist, artist, social fairness fighter and in tune with our glorious natural environment. Karen is smart and funny and a great representative for the hinterland.

Karen Cook-Langdon

Super smart, tough with great business and especially financial competencies, Karen CL also has great social consciousness. Karen is a design thinker and social innovator and her business acumen will help lead Noosa into the future.

Amelia Lorentson

Courageous, fiery and intelligent. A high calibre career woman, surfer and mum to active children, she embodies a healthy and vibrant role model our youth needs.

Yanni Van Zjil

Yanni is an award-winning artist and sculptor well known for her thought provoking art using plastic waste items. She also runs an environmental art education program with schools and has been a bush carer extraordinaire for many years. 

Meghan Halverson

Meghan is well known as the face of Queensland Koala Crusaders. She is a passionate advocate for the environment and community connectedness.

Janet Kake

A successful sales person well-connected to local businesses after a stint as President of the Noosa Chamber of Commerce. Janet lives in the hinterland with her family and horses.

Snezana Redford

We don’t know Snezana but she is running for the Animal Justice Party and our animals need all the love they can get!

And hey, should you insist on ‘Gender Diversity’

Why not give your voice to a male candidate, but we recommend NOT to vote for any of the sitting councillors. Unfortunately they did not challenge any of the toxic culture and bad behaviour we have seen. We believe that the standard you walk past, is the standard you accept. With so many embarrassing moments and so little to show, we have no appetite for more. #votethemout

Oh and please note: Jess Glasgow is NOT a woman 😉

Now go forth and vote wisely so we can look forward to great Council TV debates!

Desi & Betty


  1. Thanks Bettina and Desire’ for your considered and excellent comment.
    I think Noosa is fortunate to have excellent female candidates and I also hope there is a strong vote for women.
    It is definitely time for a change.


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