The Open Noosa Manifesto

  1. We write what we believe to be true. If we get something wrong, we correct it.
  2. We take personal responsibility for the accuracy of our stories.
  3. We allow opinion, but we seek to be fair.
  4. We know people appreciate candour so we try to be straightforward.
  5. We will not publish ad hominem attacks but we allow criticism where we believe it is justified.
  6. We understand some people require the protection of anonymity. We prefer transparency but allow anonymity where it is justified.
  7. We never knowingly publish false names. If a pseudonym is used, you will be advised.
  8. We believe passion is important and partisanship is inevitable. While not embarrassed to admit to either, we commit to truth-telling at all times.
  9. The editorial team’s decisions are final but we always do the best we can to be fair.
  10. As writers and publishers, more important to us than anything is our integrity.