24.9 C
Tuesday, February 25, 2025
The story of how since 2000 Noosa Council has been paying for free holiday buses and then - after extensive work, expense, public consultation and approval of a comprehensive strategy to address traffic, parking and transport issues - the Council continues to mainly offer free buses.
Desire Gralton believes the Sunrise Beach Community will pay for a lack of vision for many decades to come as bad decisions are enforced on residents without due acknowledgement of valid concerns and without any community engagement. What do you think?
The Noosa Biosphere Reserve Foundation (NBRF) has put out a call for volunteer directors. We were nudged to reach out to our networks in a much welcome attempt to gender-balance the currently all male board.
This letter was sent to the Queensland Moderator and President of the Uniting Church and copied to Noosa Mayor Clare Stewart who is willing to meet and discuss alternatives to the Blue Care development at Sunrise Beach. We are still hoping the Church will acknowledge the wishes of the local community to save this important habitat and take up the offer to meet with Noosa Council.
When a temporary art installation of Glossy Black-Cockatoo feathers popped up on the corner of Grasstree Court at the edge of the proposed development over Christmas, Spencer was there to capture it in his own thoughtful style.
The following letter was written by Spencer and his mum Maxine and sent to the Uniting Church President Deidre Palmer, who has referred their concerns to the Synod of Queensland. The quote "Killing the planet is against our religion” referred to in the letter was found on the Uniting Church Australia Facebook page and we totally agree that killing the planet is not okay.
Desiré Gralton reflects on the juxtaposition of the Blue Care / Lendlease project with Bob Carey front and centre in her mind. Here we have a man who has spent decades of his life fighting to protect the remaining habitat of the Glossy Black Cockatoos in our region, yet could be in the market for a facility just like this. So would this suit his needs? Here's what Bob had to say...
The Noosaville Library at Wallace Park Noosaville is hosting an exhibition showing how urban gardeners can help protect Noosa’s most valuable asset: its natural environment. Put together by NICA stalwarts Stephanie Haslam, Kay Southam and Suzanne Bloomfield, the display features photographs and artwork of inspirational native gardens.
Things are starting to move at the Sunrise Beach Blue Care development with Glossy Bob reporting the start of electrical infrastructure for the site. This post give an update on a response Bob received from Noosa Council and subsequent communications with Lendlease, the company appointed to manage community engagement. Bob followed up with Conor Neville from Noosa Council - he does Ecologist Development Assessments for the Environment and Sustainable Development department. Here's his response:
Great news today with the Queensland Government announcing a plan to ban single-use plastics in the next phase of the war on waste. Minister for Environment and Great Barrier Reef Leeanne Enoch today released Queensland’s Plastic Pollution Reduction Plan, which...
Desiré Gralton signed up to the recently launched Urban Wildlife Gardens program and received some good advice and guidance from program coordinator Michelle Newall on ways to improve the biodiversity in her garden.
I felt some heavy ‘deja vu’ over Councils’ announcement on the effects of Climate Change on Noosa. In hindsight, I probably spooked influential sectoral interests in Hastings Street by daring to raise the spectre of the potential risk to low-lying Noosa from Climate Change .
On Saturday 27 April I attended a Rights of Nature Workshop hosted by the Australian Earth Laws Alliance (AELA), Tree Sisters and Friends of the Forest. My objective was to learn more about the Rights of Nature movement and...
When we saw survey stakes go into the ground around your favourite trees we were so alarmed and worried of things to come. We set out to make people understand how important this patch of earth is for you Glossies. You see, they are building a retirement village where your feed trees still stand as I write.
Noosa North Shore President Nick Hluszko reasons that the Precautionary Principle espoused by Cr Brian Stockwell could land Noosa Council in hot water should the scientific qualifications of ‘Fresh Advisory’ was found to be unable to provide a scientific, research-based paper for the ’Noosa Fishing Futures’ strategy.
Letter to Richard McKeon as a follow up six weeks after meeting with Glossy Team Sunrise representatives again highlighting community concern for the wildlife as well as traffic impacts and emergency evacuation plans. Robyn raises many further options to be explored and even proposes fundraising for financial assistance to ensure a win win for our community, the elderly and the environment.
Chicken Little, the sky is falling! But is it really? Nick Hluszko digs deeper to find the story behind Noosa River's biodiversity troubles and concludes that the sky may not fall just yet.
Someone asked me recently why I am so interested in this subject of oyster reefs and "bringing back the fish". Right from the very beginning I questioned the absolute need for this investment. This was because of what I was...
We do not question the worth of trying to restore oyster reefs in the Noosa River, but questions need to be asked about the way the funding is being pushed through with a disregard of - and indeed at the expense of - other programs run by local organisations and council.
Cr Ingrid Jackson's explains her rationale for voting against agreeing in principle to funding for the Bring back the fish project without open and fair processes.
By Nick Hluszko President, Noosa North Shore Association Inc Introduction I want to be very clear from the start. I (like most NNSA members) support most initiatives that do anything to protect the river, coastline and our environment for now and importantly...