By Ann Gardiner, Cooran Earth Rights

Cooran Earth Rights recently wrote to Cr Brian Stockwell, asking for an item to be put on the agenda at the next Joint Consultative Group meeting between Noosa Council and Department of Main Roads.

We asked for for guidance in how to do this, and how our proposed bike path, which is currently listed with a Level B status, could be elevated to Level A, to allow a study, planning and funding to be granted in the next 5 years.

Cooran Earth Rights have also written to the Director-General of the Department of Transport and Main Roads, Neil Scales, about the bike path proposal, and we have received the response that the department would welcome a funding application from Noosa Council through the Cycle Network Local Government Grants Program.

Cr Stockwell’s response

Hi Ann,

As you are probably aware, in response to many similar requests across the shire, Council has budgeted to undertake a shire wide project to identify priority pedestrian and bike linkages.

I would think we would be waiting until the outcome of that process before going into bat for any particular connection.

Having said that staff did put in applications to that fund recently and were successful in getting some money for bikeway investigation along the coast (Priority A areas) , so it may be worth trying to get funds as part of the shire–wide process.

The fundamental problem with the current State Government plan as I see it , while showing the most logical route from a tenure blind perspective, what they have shown is through private property. Did you make them aware of this when you contacted the Department?

Since last we spoke about this I have ridden all the tracks and roads around Cooran and Pomona, and to my mind without resolution of the private road issue the best route is via the main road, which would require construction of an off road path, which in some locations would require significant earthworks to make useable.

I will ask staff about scheduling of the project. I am planning to hold another hinterland group forum next month and this is an issue we can discuss further there.

I will let you know if anything arises from the conversation with staff.

Brian Stockwell
Noosa Shire Council



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