It’s election time again. Seems like there’s always an election on, and while this is a State Election, I’d like to share a broader view of party politics across all levels of government, because the Federal Government plays a huge part in who gets selected at a State level.

Politics is a wicked game and there is roadkill galore. We have scandal after scandal with both major parties. The uncomfortable marriage between the Liberals and Nationals gives them the veto to decide how our money is spent, but instead of having a long term vision for a healthy, happy and secure family, they keep bickering about small change while the house is on fire, rubbish is piling up in the backyard, the children can’t afford to go to university and the water tank has all but run dry.

The big parties have failed us, and it’s time we walk away.

I urge you to read Game of Mates: How Favours Bleed the Nation to get a better understanding of just how badly the game is currently rigged for a small number of well-connected mates to line their own pockets while siphoning billions of dollars from a wide variety of sectors. Whether it’s property, mining, banking, superannuation, even some seemingly “green” environmental groups, a small but powerful group of insiders have their noses in the public trough and our elected representatives keep topping it up. The revolving door between the halls of Canberra to well paid jobs in the resources and other sectors keep turning as politicians get rewarded for playing the system.

Meanwhile the masses are brainwashed by by media mogul Rupert Murdoch and a bunch of billionaire mining magnates are laughing all the way to the (Cayman Island) Bank.

Watch this great TED talk on why Democracy is broken and keep an eye on the rise of crony capitalism by signing up to investigative journalist Michael West’s website where revelations like this drops on a weekly basis.

Enough is enough.

As the elections at all levels of government roll along, I urge you to leave the big parties behind. They are no longer in it for the people.

They are failing us on so many levels, and by keeping them in power we are contributing to the problem, supporting a system of growing inequality and a game that is stacked against us.

We are seeing the likes of Clive Palmer trying to Trump his way across our nation, spreading havoc wherever he goes. His aim is not to win, but to get or keep the LNP in power so he can keep making billions out of his polluting businesses.

To those rising stars in our midst who are currently being groomed for party politics – don’t fall for it please.The big parties will hold you back! They may offer you glimpses of what it would be like to be one of the lucky mates – but you’ll be selling your soul to the devil and you can rest assured that you won’t achieve much.

I understand the premise of wanting to stand strong for the business community, but it can’t come at the expense of human and environmental rights. The old adage ‘there is no economy on an uninhabitable planet’ is truer than ever.

Be independent and vote for independent candidates.

We are fortunate to have a great Independent candidate running in our electorate, and Sandy Bolton will get my vote. Having an MP that actually decides on how she votes by listening to her constituents rather than toeing the party line is a rare treat indeed.

You can also seek out smaller parties like the Greens who have some excellent policies that would make our country more equitable and livable for all. Even if your chosen candidate does not get in, your vote will go to your second preference and you will have sent a clear sign about what your priorities are.

Think for yourself. Let’s change this dodgy system!

Desiré has a background in communications and a passion for the water and waste industries, spending her free time thinking about ways to generate change for the better. Views projected on this page are hers and not necessarily those of the organisations she works with.


  1. Sandy Bolton is an example of where an effective local and independent candidate, with a truely bi-partisan voting record, can represent her community well and I have no doubt the electorate will reward her this election. However, she is an exception. I agree there is room for improvement in how the major parties operate but, by and large, they have served Australia well. Voting for the likes of UAP, IMOP, PHON and the KAP achieve nothing unless they end up with the balance of power and if this is the case we are headed for chaos. These parties campaign on a small range of issues and their position on many of these is extreme. Voting for these parties is a waste; to really bring about change, more people should join the “big” parties and try and influence from within. Of course, this is seen as too hard. Unfortunately, many people find it easier to complain at election time, vote for a fringe party and ultimately achieve nothing in the way of reform.

  2. Hi Greg, thanks for reading my post and taking the time to respond. I agree that some of the fringe parties are of great concern and that it’s not as easy as just walking away from the big parties. I guess my post was aimed more at the Noosa audience and Sandy is definitely an exception, which is fortunate for us. I’m not so sure that changing the big parties from within would be possible – it seems like a deeply ingrained systemic failure that will need a complete culture change and for that to happen a lot of the existing mob would need to lose their jobs. In the game of mates, these guys are looking out for each other and anyone who gets in their way is taken care of. But I do admire the ones who try! We have some great newcomers especially in the Greens party, and leaders like Jacinda Ardern and Larissa Waters gives me some hope!


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