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Monday, January 27, 2025
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Tag: glossies

Meet the Glossies

Our latest contributor as part of Glossy Team Sunrise, Leela Rottman wrote this great introduction to the Glossy Black Cockatoo.

Glossy Talk at NICA

On Monday, 19 November Sue Davis and Bettina Walter presented at the Monday with NICA group get together to talk about the Blue Care development. The room was packed to the rafters with Tony Haslam noting that it was the biggest turn out ever - great news for the glossy cause!

Glossy Update: Preparing to meet Blue Care

Many of us making up the Sunrise Beach community have been taken by surprise. Residents, schools and visiting bird and Wallum enthusiasts have had little or no idea that this development was imminent. This is an update on what is currently happening to hopefully save our glossies and find good outcomes for all.

Save Sunrise Glossies: A good case for NIMBYism

NIMBYism has got a bad reputation, and rightly so. In this post, Desi makes the case for NIMBYism and a community's rights to stand up for NO EXTINCTIONS in our back yards. Save our Sunrise Glossies!

7 questions about a big new Sunrise development

In 2004 Noosa Council sold two big blocks of bushland to Blue Care. Development approval was given for a massive aged care facility adjacent to what is now Sunrise Shops and the Uniting Church building.