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Tag: Noosa River

What the Precautionary Principle really means…..

Noosa North Shore President Nick Hluszko reasons that the Precautionary Principle espoused by Cr Brian Stockwell could land Noosa Council in hot water should the scientific qualifications of ‘Fresh Advisory’ was found to be unable to provide a scientific, research-based paper for the ’Noosa Fishing Futures’ strategy.

We can’t understand our river without good data. We don’t have...

I wrote recently about the need not to react with alarm to scaremongering about the claimed poor state of Noosa River's biodiversity from NBRF...

Chicken Little – but wait, the sky is not falling on...

Chicken Little, the sky is falling! But is it really? Nick Hluszko digs deeper to find the story behind Noosa River's biodiversity troubles and concludes that the sky may not fall just yet.

The continually changing Noosa River

Noosa North Shore President Nick Hluszko ponders the ever changing Noosa River and why yabbies have taken up residence in their millions in areas where sea grasses once were.

$2.4M (and counting) fish project is poorly-defined & risks ratepayers’ funds

Someone asked me recently why I am so interested in this subject of oyster reefs and "bringing back the fish". Right from the very beginning...

The fish drama continues … many questions unanswered

The Noosa Council ordinary meeting of Thursday 17 January, 2019. Spoke to Stan from Pomona who is not happy with the Council. He spoke to Mayor Tony Wellington but will contact other Councillors to express his concerns. Wellington gave me a forced nod; I'll have to send him another letter reminding him of his faults. Cr Jess Glasgow rushed past and said nothing. Cr Joe Juresivic walked past without a greeting...

Oyster Reefs in Cloudy Waters

We do not question the worth of trying to restore oyster reefs in the Noosa River, but questions need to be asked about the way the funding is being pushed through with a disregard of - and indeed at the expense of - other programs run by local organisations and council.

$1.2 million on ‘Bring back the Fish’: Final decision to come

Cr Ingrid Jackson's explains her rationale for voting against agreeing in principle to funding for the Bring back the fish project without open and fair processes.

Crisis or not? A review & analysis of Noosa River fish...

By Nick Hluszko President, Noosa North Shore Association Inc Introduction I want to be very clear from the start. I (like most NNSA members) support most initiatives...

Council acts on river erosion – but is it too little,...

Did Noosa Council scrap a stabilisation scheme which would have prevented Noosa River eroding the sand spit that keeps it on course and protects Noosa Sound from inundation? And if they abandoned the program, why?

River poses imminent threat as Council splashes around

In this column I review the highlights of last Tuesday’s meetings of two Noosa Council committees – Services & Organisation and Planning & Environment - which discuss matters that eventually go up the line for final determination at the ordinary meeting nine days later. Yes, Council decision-making, like making a sausage, is a process.

5 Questions for the NBRF to help deliberations

In April we had written an open letter to our mayor Tony Wellington about our concerns with regards to a renewal of a funding deed for the Noosa Biosphere Reserve Foundation (NBRF). So naturally I was waiting for the deliberations to begin. Before council hands over any more public funds to the NBRF it would be great to find out a few things. These are my top 5 questions for the NBRF.

King Tonzi, Part the First: The Oyster Throne

In the Great Hall of the Pelican Palace, King Tonzi the Wunturm sits on the Oyster Throne.