UPDATE: The weekend has apologised [added to the end of this post]. We are relieved and happy this affair has turned into a positive. Thank you.

The weekend on Facebook was lamenting our out-of-touch local newspapers for under-reporting ‘an extraordinary victory for people power’ against a developer. In the comments a need for a more credible alternative local paper was voiced and a friend recommended Open Noosa as one alternative worth considering. The following response by The weekend‘s publisher got me thinking:

Yes, I’m well aware [of Open Noosa], and repeat there are some really good voices, but I would argue this project is seriously undermined by being taken over by one of Noosa’s original trolls. Do a bit more checking with people who know the politics intimately here over many years….” 


‘The problem with open mic night at the pub is that it can get taken over by one loud, obnoxious, out-of-tune voice’

There are a few things in those remarks that didn’t sit well with me.

1. A whole-sale dismissal

The weekend dismissed all of what Open Noosa is trying to do in it’s entirety because he/she doesn’t like one of the many authors. For someone who claims to value journalistic integrity, this is an odd stance to take. I find this out of character and I do wonder what fuelled this sort of whole-sale dismissal of an initiative? This is a sad and tiresome Noosa tactic that has done much damage to our community. It’s got to stop if we want to rise to the great challenges ahead.

2. The old ‘if only you knew’ smear.

‘Do a bit more checking with people who know the politics intimately here over many years.’ A tad condescending to a long time resident, don’t you think? and really? Back to The Gumshoe days? And as for the so-called ‘troll’ ‘taking over’ Open Noosa, no more than a smear and an untruth.

3. Have you actually met John Lobb?

I am assuming the writer was referring to John Lobb. Open Noosa was likened to an ‘open mic night at the pub […] taken over by one loud, obnoxious, out-of-tune voice’. I am wondering if the writer had ever met the man so blithely discredited? John is, in fact, a soft-spoken, polite and thoughtful person – although some of his ideas are quite loud!

John has strong views and so do I. We often disagree on policy. We have different backgrounds. But we can see the humanity in each other and respect each other. Our conversations build bridges across the echo chambers that so often divide and polarise our community. Focusing on what we can achieve together is far more valuable and important than petty power games.

4. Where is the evidence?

Referring to John Lobb as “Noosa’s original troll” dismisses the merit of his contributions to Open Noosa. It occurs to me that the writer may not have read the columns in question. I disagree at times with John’s analysis, but his reports have always been measured, insightful and accurate. Well-based criticism is not trolling. It is what good journalism does.

Instead of insult, perhaps evidence could be provided: evidence of where John’s facts are wrong; evidence of where they demonstrate bias, evidence of how they are not in the public interest. A claim without evidence is empty of value.

We are not undermined by John Lobb’s reports, we are enhanced by them. Long may he reveal the working of our local council and may his readers increase.

And in a spirit of openness (after all, this is not Closed Noosa) I sincerely encourage the writer to contribute to Open Noosa on the subject of our community. And preferably using a real name so opinions and credibility are not diluted and compromised by hiding behind a veil of anonymity.

Then we can get a productive and meaningful discussion going.

PS. Congrats on the Peregian community victory – I too believe we can do better. But dividing the community is counterproductive.

PPS. We are not owned by Rupert Murdoch and we are not wrapped in plastic.

The weekend Apology

The weekend apology on facebook

Designer and artist in pursuit of an authentic and sustainable life. Originally from the Schwäbian Biosphere, Bettina studied cultural education in Hildesheim, Germany, attained a BA at London’s Central St. Martins College for Art and Design and after 10 years in London’s digital creative industry she settled with her children in Noosa in 2006. She was involved with the Creative Class project and Noosa Biosphere in various capacities. She is a creative and passionate about social justice. She is partner at Kaizen Communications, co-founder of The No.1 Ladies’ Creative Agency’ and founder and editor of Open Noosa.


  1. You both do a great job don’t be discouraged by the knockers that want to sneak around in the fake profiles. There is still a very active old boys club going in the Noosa Shire. It’s like a small community paranoia of communicating with the world. The old boy members seem to feel threatened by any new blood that comes along so will try any tactics to try and get them out of the picture. They don’t like new ideas that they are not familiar with or know the history of so will stoop to very low levels of interaction condemning the individuals with the new information as crackpots or frauds. This has happened in Noosa for too long and is obvious by the local newspaper and it’s content. It was a vibrant paper thirty years ago but now is very poorly run. We have a need for new vibrant news reporting in Noosa which you guys seem to fit in well. I have noticed quality journalism in your articles and agree with the views mentioned. Keep up the great work and don’t let the fakes derail your views. Until the “old boys club” want to blend with the new more open Noosa reporting they will keep going backwards.


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