24.4 C
Monday, March 10, 2025
“Do you swear to protect the Noosa Plan, the whole Noosa Plan, and nothing but the Noosa Plan?” “I do.” In the run-up to the March Noosa Council elections some advocacy groups put candidates on the spot about their commitment to...
Can "Tactical Urbanism" help us see a different future in terms of the way we get around in Noosa? Other cities across the globe are giving it a go - and it seems sensible that we do too...
Things are starting to move at the Sunrise Beach Blue Care development with Glossy Bob reporting the start of electrical infrastructure for the site. This post give an update on a response Bob received from Noosa Council and subsequent communications with Lendlease, the company appointed to manage community engagement. Bob followed up with Conor Neville from Noosa Council - he does Ecologist Development Assessments for the Environment and Sustainable Development department. Here's his response:
Council’s letting proposals are tearing community apart according to Ralph Rogers, prominent Noosa businessman and investor in local enterprise. In Roger's view, a council acting in the best interests of the shire would defer a vote on this draconian proposal, which will be subject to one legal challenge after another.
Short term letting – and Noosa Council’s attempts to design a policy to control it – are hot topics in Noosa right now. And the Future Noosa group, which has three councillor candidates standing for March’s election, is concerned about the policy’s impact on residents. Councillor Candidate Andrew Squires warns not to throw the baby out with the bathwater – the baby being the best interests of residents.
The recent controversy around Sunshine Coast Council’s decision to pump PFAS contaminated water out to sea, along with the release of water from other affected sites across Australia, raises a much bigger question about pollution of our land and water in general. While it is necessary question where this water should go, it also must be asked where the PFAS is coming from in the first place? 
Great news today with the Queensland Government announcing a plan to ban single-use plastics in the next phase of the war on waste. Minister for Environment and Great Barrier Reef Leeanne Enoch today released Queensland’s Plastic Pollution Reduction Plan, which...
Looking out the window over the Noosa River, awaiting my interview with Mayor Barry Goodenough, I was impressed at how successful the oyster hatcheries had become.
Desiré Gralton signed up to the recently launched Urban Wildlife Gardens program and received some good advice and guidance from program coordinator Michelle Newall on ways to improve the biodiversity in her garden.
Cooran Earth Rights, Lock the Gate and Zero Emissions Noosa is hosting a Plan for Prosperity Forum: What is your vision for the future of the Sunshine Coast from 6.30 to 8.30 pm this coming Thursday at the CQU Campus on Goodchap Street.
Nick Hluszko investigates the vexing question of 'The Noosa Experience' and argues we should define Tourism first to understand what we mean by Over-Tourism to deliver carrying capacity models, commensurate legislation and controls as agreed by all stakeholders.
Cooran Earth Rights are calling on Noosa Council to fast track planning for a proposed new bicycle path between Cooran and Pomona or risk losing an opportunity for a substantial portion of its cost being met by a state government funding program designed to increase the uptake of bicycle riding for commuting and recreation.
Attending a recent screening of 2040 caused some serious reflection on whether we really can engineer our way out of this mess humans have created. With Council elections approaching, it's the perfect time to ask what sort of future Noosa we are heading for. Open Noosa invites future scenarios for this place we call home.
Judie Barrass gives a great overview of the proposed New Noosa Plan relating to Short Term Lets and why it is scaring major players like Stayz. She believes it’s a brave move and hopes it comes off. What do you think?
An open letter to Noosa Mayor Tony Wellington, CEO Brett de Chastel, all Noosa Councillors, Blue Care CEO Craig Barke and Project Manager Richard McKeon in light of the recent bush fires in Peregian where fire fighters had to form a shield around the Arcare aged care facility knowing that they didn’t have the staff or the vehicles to evacuate the residents.
THIS SUNDAY! 1. September at the Perigian Digital Hub. Start up EarthTech is proud to bring the first free screening of 2040 to the Noosa Region.
Ann Gardiner from Cooroy Earth Rights recently wrote to Cr Brian Stockwell asking advice on how to upgrade the Cooran to Pomona bikeway to a Priority A level that will ensure future funding. Here we publish her message and the response she received.
Alan Lander's Noosa News piece on bikeways prompted another deja vu moment for Michael Donovan, recalling a 2011 Noosa Biosphere Reserve submission to Queensland Regional Development for walking and cycle trails across the Noosa and Great Sandy Biospheres.
As a committee member of Peregian Family and Friends, Leigh McCready is keen to connect school children in Noosa Shire with their schools across the border, while at the same time providing a congestion busting way to bring in the wider Peregian population to Peregian Beach on the weekends to shop, dine and swim at the beach.
I felt some heavy ‘deja vu’ over Councils’ announcement on the effects of Climate Change on Noosa. In hindsight, I probably spooked influential sectoral interests in Hastings Street by daring to raise the spectre of the potential risk to low-lying Noosa from Climate Change .
With the Mayor's recent declaration of a Climate Change Emergency, Noosa North Shore Association President Nick Hluzsko shares some information and raises his personal concerns about property exposure in our shire over the longer-term.